Wednesday Evenings from 6:15 - 7:15 PM
Refuge is a great time each week for all of our students (Grades 6-12) to gather together for a powerful time of worship in Main Stage on the Third Floor. The music is led by our student-led "Refuge Band" and messages from our Student Minister - Michael Murrie - are specifically geared to help students discover what God's Word teaches about issues that impact students in our world today.
After Refuge, students are invited to stay for snacks in Common Grounds and Gym Time from 7:15 - 8:00 PM at the McDonald Activity Center.
Our current Refuge Bible Study Series is called Fighting Fair. Click Here to watch a video from our Minister to Students, Michael Murrie on this series.
Want more information about Refuge Bible Study? Please contact our Student Ministry Assistant, Alyson Davidson ([email protected]).
Want to know how you can involved in serving on the Refuge Band or the Refuge Media Team? Please contact our Music & Worship Associate, Clay Mobley ([email protected]).

Looking to serve?
Interested in helping out at Wednesday night Refuge by serving snacks or supervising gym time?
You can email Alyson Davidson for more information on how you can serve God by serving students!
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You can also sign up to be an adult volunteer for REFUGE!