GRACE Schedule

Stop by Fellowship Hall to pick up your study book on Thursday, January 18, anytime from 9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
GRACE meets on Thursdays, January 25–April 4. (Not meeting on March 14 due to Spring Break)

Location: 2nd floor of the MAC Building. When you get off the elevator, sign in and we will direct you to your class.

9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Bible Studies
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Prayer & Refreshments (Room 281)
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Ministries

REGISTER for a Bible study and/or Ministry.

GRACE Bible studies begin on Thursday, January 25, from 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Everyday Theology: What You Believe Matters by Mary Wiley – Led by Lea Ann Garfias
Cost: $16

Worship with a greater understanding of who God is and how he works in the world! All believers benefit from knowing more about the Lord because faith touches every part of our existence, from discerning truth to decision making. Mary Wiley's 8-session study addresses essential doctrines of Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, man, redemption, the church, and more.

Genesis: Back to the Beginning – led by Beverly Turner
Cost: $14
This 10-week study will cover the first eleven chapters of Genesis, starting with the creation, moving on to Noah and the great flood, and finishing up with the Tower of Babel.  Along the way, we will examine fundamental truths and attributes revealed about God and discover the role Jesus played in the creation, while also challenging ourselves to discover deeper meanings in the text. 

For the study, participants will purchase the Inspire: Genesis book, which is a beautifully illustrated journal featuring many line-art illustrations and plenty of spaces for notetaking.  This book will offer a creative way to engage with scripture, meditate on its teachings, and respond with practical applications.

Abide: A Study of 1, 2, & 3 John by Jen Wilkin – Led by Nancy Larkin
Cost: $25 (includes online access to the videos for each session)
How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us? In these three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. In this 10-week Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3, John, Jen Wilkin helps you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. 

Espejos Irrompibles: Principios Para No Quebrarse En Las Crisis — Led by Lucy Salazar
Espejos irrompibles son mujeres del Antiguo Testamento; sin nombre, pero de mucho renombre. Mujeres que vivieron en tiempo de crisis, pero que no se quebraron porque Dios las fortaleció y les hizo brillar para su gloria.

Esta serie de estudios tiene el fin de motivarnos a brillar en medio de las tinieblas, y a no quebrarnos por más fuerte que sea el golpeteo que nos toca. Que aprendamos de las experiencias duras de la existencia y nos fortalezcamos en Dios. Que seamos espejos que reflejemos al Dios en quien creemos. Que seamos “espejos irrompibles”. Así que no te quiebres y ¡a brillar, amiga mía!

Contact: Eli Gutierrez, [email protected] or 972-276-7194, x243



Prayer Blankets - Create and provide prayer blankets to those who are experiencing critical illness or sorrow. Led by Cheryl Rose. MAC Craft Room

Yarn Crafters
 - Make shawls, baby bonnets and booties, scarves, and crocheted necklaces for the homebound and care home residents, the Friendship House, and crisis pregnancy centers. Led by April Rouse. MAC Room 273
SONshine Ministry - Write cards of encouragement for church members who are homebound, suffering from an illness, grieving, or celebrating a birth. MAC Room 276
Take Care Ministry – Visit homebound members of our church to offer prayer and encouragement. 


Contact Sarah Ruth

[email protected]


Register for Childcare

[email protected]

Registration required once at the start of the GRACE semester.

Register for Bible Study and/or Ministry

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