Upcoming Mission Trips 2024


Romania MT                                                                       Completed

     Equipping Pastors and Church Leaders


Tanzania                                                                             Completed

      Training Church Planters and Evangelism


Rio Grande Valley HS MT                                                   March 9-13

     Construction, working with Buckner Family Hope Centers

Eye Glass Ministry Training                                              March 23

     For all going on an Eye Glass Ministry MT


Paraguay MT    (Interest Mtg March 17)                              June 14-22  

      Eye Glass Ministry Trip

Brazil MT   (Interest Mtg March 17)                                     June 27-July 8

     VBS, Evangelism, Sports and Eye Glass Ministry Trip 


Madison, Wisconsin MT     (Interest Mtg March 24)             July 13-19

     Sports Camp

Portland, Oregon MT                                                         July 19-26

     Young Adult Ministry 


Jordan MT                                                                         October 5-12 

     Eye Glass Ministry Trip 

Rio Grande Valley MT                                                        October 13-19

     Construction, working with Buckner Famiy Hope Centers

Kid’s Activity Club                                                             October 14-16

     Local MT, VBS activities at 6 apartments in our area



Ukrainian Refugee-Europe MT                                          December TBD

      Distributing Gifts to Refugee Children

If you have already filled out a trip application for any of the upcoming trips and would like to make an additional payment, Click here Make a payment.