What to Bring

When packing a bag for your child, please include each of the following items that are age appropriate:

  • Two or three disposable or pocket diapers (no cloth diapers, please)
  • A complete change of clothes including underwear or Pull-ups
  • Bottle(s) of milk, formula, juice, or water (a private, comfortable room is available to nursing mothers) 
  • Sippy cup
  • Pacifier, if used

Please label all personal items with your child's first and last name; this helps us keep track of your child's items.

Please do not allow your child to bring toys or other personal items that might get lost, broken or fought over. Likewise, please do not bring food into the preschool classrooms (except for the infant rooms and in the case of food allergies). Food brought from home often causes other children to become upset. A break room is available in The Nest if you need to feed your child before dropping them off at their classroom. 
